
Observatorio Laboral: La voz de los trabajadores.

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Where do we stand 5 years later 

Side event to the International Labour Conference 2023

On June 4th, CNV Internationaal will be hosting a side event at the International Labour Conference in Geneva with WO=MEN, Dutch Gender Platform and Mondiaal FNV about the ratification process of Convention 190 of the International Labour Organization. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the convention, and it has only been ratified in 39 countries. 


During the event, speakers from Benin, Indonesia and India will share their experiences and practices to prevent and stop violence at work, including the specific role of trade unions. 


Don't miss and join us! 


Speakers from Colombia and South-Africa and Colombia, two countries where the convention already has been ratified or will be ratified soon, will share their stories. 

If you are at the ILC don't miss this event aiming to inspire you to keep pushing for ratification. 

Convention 190 is the first international treaty to recognize the right to work free from violence and harassement, including gender-based violence and harassment. C190 is an historic opportunity to shape a future where workers, and especially female workers, are respected and safe at work.


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Fecha de publicación 01 01 1970