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Don't miss our event
The 5th anniversary of ILO convention 190

Road towards worldwide ratification 

The first international treaty to recognize the right to work free from gender-based violence and harassment

Since the adoption of the Convention in 2019, only 39 countries have ratified C190 so far. During this session, organized by CNV Interantionaal, Mondiaal FNV and WOMEN=MEN at the International Labour Conference, we want to encourage the further ratification of this Convention in every country, including the Netherlands. 

Union leaders from Benin, India, Colombia, South Africa, Indonesia and the Netherlands will be sharing their journeys and insights on the road to ratifying and implementing ILO C190. 

Don’t miss this chance to learn and collaborate towards a safe and respectful world of work.


In June 2019, Convention 190 by the International Labour Organization came into force. 

This convention is the first international treaty to recognize the right that everyone should have to be able to work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment. 

Governments that ratify C190 are required to put the necessary laws and policy measures into place, to prevent and address violence and harassment in the workplace. 

This convention represents an historic opportunity to shape a future of work, that is based on dignity and respect for all the workers.



  • We start with an opening statement by Daniëlle woestenberg, trade union executive of CNV (the Netherlands).
  • In the first part of the session, there will be some examples of violence at work, and the role that trade unions can play to diminish this. 
    Several trade unions will be talking about their work in this part: 
    • Mrs. Basilia Odjoube Ahouansou COSI (Benin) 
    • Mrs. Elly Rosita, secretary general KSBSI (Indonesia)
    • SEWA (India)  
  • In the second part of the session, there will be a panel with different speakers that will discuss the process towards ratification in their country and will share their personal experiences. The speakers are:
    • Daniëlle Woestenberg, CNV Internationaal president (opening)
    • Gerald Twali Mkhomazi, secretary general of COSATU, a trade union in South Africa.
    • Mary Karimou, TUC Ghana
    • Ghislaine Saizonou, Head of gender, women and social protection at ITUC Africa.
    • Rosalba Gomez Vasquez CUT Colombia.

We invite every participant and guest to sign a declaration that stands for the worldwide ratification of Convention 190 at the end of the session.


Don't miss and join us! 

Practical information:


June 4th 2024, from 13:00 to 14:30 h.

Lunch will be provided.


ILO Room A.

4 Route des Morillons, CH-1211, Genève 22, Switzerland.

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