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Responsible Business Conduct and HRDD in supply chains

International Responsible Business Conduct with respect for labour rights

International Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) is about more than environmental sustainability. It also includes fair wages, safe working conditions and respect for other labour rights in international supply chains. 

CNV Internationaal works with companies and local trade unions in Africa, Asia and Latin America to contribute to fair and sustainable international supply chains.


International Responsible Business Conduct should be an integral part of business operations. RBC is a process by which a company takes responsibility for the social, environmental and economic consequences of its actions throughout the supply chain. Companies that practise corporate social responsibility are accountable for their actions and engage in dialogue with stakeholders.

What's going on?


International trade offers opportunities for prosperity and employment in producing countries. Unfortunately, there are also serious risks such as

  • forced labour
  • unsafe and unhealthy work
  • Wages that are far too low to live on
  • Lack of freedom to organise (trade union freedom)

Worldwide, almost  28 million people work in forced labour. Almost half of all workers are not free to organise and bargain collectively to improve their situation.

HREDD Duty of care for people and the environment


CNV Internationaal supports helps companies and unions implement HRDD principles, with a focus on identifying risks of human rights violations , social dialogue and collective bargaining.

Employers with an international supply chain are expected

  •  to know what is going on in their supply chain, 
  • to take responsibility and 
  • to make choices.

An important part of Responsible Business Conduct is therefore Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD). Companies must be diligent in identifying, preventing and remedying risks and negative human rights and environmental impacts in their chains. Trade unions have an important role to play in this.

CNV Internationaal supports companies and trade unions in implementing HREDD principles, with a focus on identifying risks of human rights violations, social dialogue and collective bargaining.

> CNV Internationaal developed special HREDD toolkits  >


The main international guidelines and conventions on Responsible Business Conduct


The main rights and obligations of businesses are set out in

  1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  2. The fundamental international labour standards of the International Labor Organization ILO, and
  3. International guidelines, especially the OECD guidelines.

To support companies, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (the OECD) developed a practical roadmap for due diligence. In each step, unions can play an important role on behalf of workers. 

New opportunities for better working conditions worldwide

Level playing field thanks to European legislation


Companies in the European market are always on a level playing field thanks to the new RBC legislation adopted on April 24, 2024. The new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is based on the OECD guidelines and obliges companies to take human rights and environmental impacts within their supply chain seriously.

It stipulates that trade unions must be involved in almost every step of the process. This offers new opportunities for better working conditions worldwide!

CNV Internationaal is working with trade unions and companies to effectively implement this directive and strengthen social dialogue.


How CNV Internationaal works

CNV Internationaal works in various fields on international Responsible Business Conduct and 

  1. Provides support: in the implementation of HRDD and CSDDD 
  2. Collaborates: Collaborates with companies, governments and unions to strengthen labour rights 
  3. Speaks with: Initiates Social Dialogue with companies on fair wages and safe working conditions 
  4. Develops tools: such as the Fair Work Monitor> to identify risks and negative impacts in workers RBC performance measurement and then address them through and collective action plan. 
  5. Works actively: CNV Internationaal is active in the Renewable Energy RBC Agreement for a sustainable and fair energy transition, implementing projects and programs.


 International RBC Agreement Renewable Energy Sector

Together with many Dutch companies in the sector, CNV Internationaal has joined the RBC Renewable Energy Agreement. This convenant focuses on promoting international corporate responsibility within the wind and solar renewable energy sector. It helps companies implement the OECD guidelines in order to improve working conditions and protect the environment. 

Compliance with international guidelines on human rights, labour rights and environmental protection. 

CNV Internationaal is committed to strengthening the position of workers in this sector by supporting companies with the different steps of the OECD guidelines and promoting social dialogue and trade union cooperation.

Continued international RBC metals agreement

Negotiations are currently underway for a new international RBC agreement for the metals sector, following the previous from 1 July 2019 - 2024 (expired).

  • Parties: CNV, FNV, companies and associations in the metal sector, government, and NGOs.
  • Goal : To strengthen the international value chain in the metal sector worldwide; reduce and prevent potential environmental and human rights risks.
  • Core tasks CNV: Participation in steering committee; working and task force and projects; sharing knowledge and local network for proper due diligence. In addition, negotiations are currently underway for a new metal covenant.

Read more about this covenant ->



International RBC in supply chains


Learn how we work to promote international Responsible Business Conduct in these supply chains



CNV Internationaal is committed to working with stakeholders to ensure fair, sustainable and robust international supply chains.

Want to know how your company can strengthen RBC within your supply chain with CNV Internationaal? Get in touch with us!

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