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Work area
International production chains
Focus themes
Work areas
Labour rights in supply chains & International Responsible Business Conduct
Human Rigts Due Diligence HRDD and HREDD
- The role of trade unions in HRDD
Paper about the role of trade unions in HRDD (2024)
- HREDD training toolkit with 3 training packages
Toolkit to help trade unions navigate HREDD and fully grasp their potential role in each step of the due diligence process, empowering them to safeguard rights and promote corporate accountability (2025)>
Gender Equality, including Gender Based Violence at work
- Violence and harassment @ work Netherlands Enterprise Agency
A guide for small and medium enterprises
Also available in French and Spanish
- It’s time for a world of work free from violence and harassment | Factsheet Gender Based Violence C190
Also available in Arabic, French, Khmer, Spanish
- Webinar V|M|X
- Protecting the rights of women workers in palm oil
Also available in Bahasa Indonesian
Social dialogue
- Creating an alliance for change through social dialogue - roadmap and call to action
Also available in Spanish
- Questionnaire / Checklist Social dialogue and trade union freedom (Agrifood sector ) with Fair Trade, FNV and International RBC agreement for the Agrifood Sector (2022)
- Questionnaire / Checklist Social dialogue and trade union freedom for the garment and textile industryAlso available in Dutch, French en Spanish
- Interactive guide to your labour rights
- Info Sheet - relevant data for meaningful social dialogue
- Info sheet - preconditions for social dialogue
- Guidance for a succesfull social dialogue for businesses
- Checklist: Mutual gains of social dialogue - 6 steps
- Template: procedural agreements for social dialogue
- The value of social dialogue - thematic booklet
Also available in Dutch, French, Spanish
- Understanding and building effective social dialogue in Indonesia - Social Dialogue Guidanceby Apindo, DECP, CNV Internationaal and KSBSI, 2021
Employability for youth
- Youth employability, the challenges and opportunities
Good practices, facts and figures, also available in Dutch, French and Spanish
- Future of youth
- Empowerment for employment - Toolkit employability for youth
Toolkit, also available in French en Spanish
International production chains
Garments and Textile
- Position Paper by CNV Internationaal on the garment sector
- How trade unions in the garment sector use grievance mechanisms
Presentation of a research project by Bart Slot, Ethics at Work, October 2022
- AMPLIFY Promoting freedom of association and social dialogue in the garment sector
Recommendations and lessons learned, June 2022
- The Importance of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining for Brands
- Bangladesh Country Information & Practical Advice on Freedom of Association (FoA) & Collective Bargaining (CB)
- Cambodia’s Garment Sector in Transformation: External Shocks, Political Space and Supplier Consolidation. Utrecht: CNV Internationaal, Dr. Dennis Arnold University of Amsterdam A research report commissioned and published by CNV Internationaal
Just transition in mining (metals / coal)
- Towards a just energy transition. Labour rights risks in the Latin American mining sector, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Profundo, Quiroz, D., Kuepper, B., Achterberg, E., Rajeevan, C., Warmerdam, W.
Research 2022, September.
Also available in Spanish.
- Towards a fair and sustainable economic transition
Position paper (2023, April)
- Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia: Identifying and understanding the hidden risks in mining supply chains.
Paper, also available in Spanish
- Webinar Foreseen impacts of the global energy transition (Webinar)
Also available in (Spanish translation)
- Webinar: Just energy transition - Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia Identify and understand the hidden risks in mining supply chains OECD side event
- Webinar Dutch IRBC Agreement Metal Sector: The hidden risks of the global energy transition in supply chains: a multi-stakeholder approach
Youtube playlist
- Study on violations of labour and union rights of outsourced workers at the Andaychagua (Yauli, Junín) and Antapaccay (Espinar, Cusco) mining sites by Peruvian researcher Jaris Mújica
- Estudio de violaciones de trabajo (Spanish version)
Palm oil
- Trade unions, key partners in access to remedy in palmoil, call to action (nov. 2023)
- Social Dialogue: The key to decent work in the palm oil sector: A call to action for RSPO,
november 2022
- Creating an alliance for change through social dialogue - roadmap and call to action
Also available in Spanish
- Sector analysis Latin American Palm Oil
Also available in Spanish
- Palmoil research Kalimantan
- Protecting the rights of women workers in palm oil
Also available in Bahasa Indonesian
- Video: How to improve labour conditions in Indonesian palm oil plantations
Also available in Dutch, Bahasa Indonesian (full version)
Special themes
Fair Work Monitor
- Making the case for higher wages in the Cambodian garment sector >
Report by Profundo, commissioned by CNV Internationaal on the Fair Work Monitor to provide key data on income and expenses of workers in the textile sector in Cambodia, to understand the economic situation of workers. Data were collected thanks to unions CLC, C.CAWDU, CATU, INTUFE and FTUWKC, among workers in the textile sector. (2023)
- Labour Rights Observatory, First anual report for the Latin American cane sugar sector >
Report by Profundo commissioned by CNV International from Fair Work Monitor survey among sugar cane workers in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
- Occupational Safety and Health Risks The situation of direct and outsourced mining workers in Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru>
Report by Profundo commissioned by CNV International ove rFair Work Monitor research among mining workers Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. This study among both temporary workers and people on permanent contracts could be carried out thanks to a contribution from the Dutch international CSR covenant for the metal sector. (2023)
Violence and harassment at work
Energy transition
- Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia: Identifying and understanding the hidden risks in mining supply chains
Also available in Spanish
- Webinar just energy transition - Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, OECD-side event webinar 2021 Outsourcing in mining
- Webinar with spanish translation
- Website Labour Observatory for a Just Transition in the Coal Supply Chain
Living wage
- Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia: Identifying and understanding the hidden risks in mining supply chains
Also available in Spanish
- Webinar: Just energy transition - Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia Identify and understand the hidden risks in mining supply chains OECD side event
Also available in Spanish Webinar Outsourcing (Spanish)
Trade union freedom
- Trade union freedom - Thematic booklet
Also available in Dutch, French and Spanish
- AMPLIFY Promoting freedom of association and social dialogue in the garment sector
Recommendations and lessons learned, June 2022
- Questionnaire / Checklist Social dialogue and trade union freedom (Agrifood sector ) with Fair Trade, FNV and International RBC agreement for the Food Sector
- Questionnaire / Checklist Social dialogue and trade union freedom (Textile / garment sector)
Also available in Dutch, French and Spanish
- The Importance of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining for Brands
- Bangladesh Country Information & Practical Advice on Freedom of Association (FoA) & Collective Bargaining (CB)
Annual report
Regions Africa | Asia | Latin America | Countries
- Cambodia’s Garment Sector in Transformation: External Shocks, Political Space and Supplier Consolidation. Utrecht: CNV Internationaal, Dr. Dennis Arnold University of Amsterdam A research report commissioned and published by CNV Internationaal
- Palmoil research Kalimantan (Indonesia)
- Protecting the rights of women workers in palm oil
Also available in Bahasa Indonesian
- Bangladesh Country Information & Practical Advice on Freedom of Association (FoA) & Collective Bargaining (CB)
Latin America
- Linking Latin America: The Netherlands and the European Union in a shifting context. (Conclusions debate)
- Webinar Linking Latin America
- Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia: Identifying and understanding the hidden risks in mining supply chains
Also available in Spanish
- Webinar: Just energy transition - Outsourcing in Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia Identify and understand the hidden risks in mining supply chains OECD side event
Webinar Outsourcing (Spaans)
- Sector analysis Latin American Palm Oil
Also available in Spanish
- Website Labour Observatory for a Just Transition in the Coal Supply Chain (focus on the case of Colombia)
- A living wage throughout the cane sugar supply chain, position paper and roadmap by PLWF, Financials for Living Wage and CNV Internationaal
- The Sugarcane Value chain in Latin America and Asia main actors, market mechanisms, labour issues, Profundo Research
Also available in Spanish.