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Indispensable for improving work, working conditions and income


The consultation between trade unions, employers and governments on socio-economic issues is called social dialogue. According to CNV Internationaal, social dialogue is indispensable in the workplace. It is both a goal in itself and a valuable instrument.

Learn more about the added value of social dialogue and discover tools to use for your social dialogue

About social dialogue

What are we talking about? What is social dialogue?

Social dialogue includes all forms of negotiation (such as collective bargaining). But consultations and the exchange of information on socio-economic topics are also forms of social dialogue.

Benefits of social dialogue

Social dialogue is beneficiairy for all stakeholders involved:

  • employees
  • employers
  • governnements
  • brands and industries

Learn more about the benefits for each >

Video the value of social dialogue

What we do: A dual purpose

 CNV Internationaal promotes social dialogue for several reasons. 

  1. It is a goal in itself to strengthen cohesion within a company, the sector, and society in general. 
  2. Further, social dialogue is a sustainable instrument to improve the quality of work, working conditions, and income through collective agreements at national, sector, and company levels. 

Social dialogue allows us to facilitate joint outcomes between workers and employers in a peaceful, and thus sustainable, way. 

This requires strong partners on both the employers' and the employees' sides, which is why we invest in joint training programmes.

Dialogue based on respect prevents labour unrest, which in turn promotes the investment climate and sustainable economic and social development.


Video: Social dialogue leads to sustainable multicompany collective agreements

CNV Internationaal contributes to creating an effective social dialogue process. In this process, the interlocutors make agreements that are then put into writing in multi-company collective agreements. 

A win-win situation for all involved!

How we work

CNV Internationaal promotes inclusive social dialogue both in the Netherlands and abroad. Together with our union partners, we initiate social dialogue with governments, politicians, and companies. We train our partner unions on lobbying techniques and strategies. This put them in a more powerful position when negotiating.

The impact of systemic social dialogue

We work with our union partners to get social dialogue systemically embedded into policy, both at company and a national levels.

Here are a few examples: 

  • In Indonesia, CNV, Dutch employer organisation DECP, employer organisation APINDO from Indonesia, and KSBSI union held a national seminar on social dialogue. This was the final event of a 3-year cooperative programme that equipped 30 trainers from various provinces to educate managers and unions on how to do social dialogue. Together we published ‘Understanding and Building Effective Social Dialogue’.
  • In Mali, UNTM and CSTM contributed to the presidential establishment and implementation of the National Council for Social Dialogue.
  • In Niger, union partner CNT's commitment resulted in the establishment of interdepartmental commissions for social dialogue in every ministry department.


Conditions for a successful social dialogue 

Workers' Freedom of to organise and to collectively bargain is an important pre- condition for social dialogue. In consultations and in delegations. 

CNV Internationaal wants workers to be free to join an independent trade union of their choice and wants trade unions of different sorts to be involved in consultations at different levels. 

  • Access to relevant information and political support
  • Respect for core labour standards,
  • Freedom of association
  • Freedom to negotiate decent working conditions.
  • Strong trade unions (and employer organisations)

Learn more about freedom of association and the role of trade unions >


The importance of consultation structures

On a global level, trade unions still have a long way to go to be heard when it comes to important socio-economic issues (such as combating poverty). In order to change this, CNV Internationaal emphasises the importance of consultative structures in strategic places. 

CNV Internationaal does this by participating as often as possible in bi- and tripartite consultations where international issues are discussed. For example, the tripartite consultations of the International Labour Organisation ILO (a UN agency) and the annual conference of the ILO.

The difference between bipartite and tripartite social dialogue

The people involved in social dialogue usually represent trade unions representing the workers, employer organisations and sometimes goverments. Sometimes also brands or industries are represented.

When all three sit down and have a conversation, we call this tripartite consultation. 

When only the social partners (i.e., the employers and trade unions) sit down together, we call this bipartite consultation.

More FAQ on Social Dialogue 

Tools for social dialogue