The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and CNV Internationaal are launching a practical guide on how to tackle violence and intimidation in the workplace for small and medium-sized businesses operating transnationally.
During the international Orange the World campaign, RVO and CNV Internationaal have published a guide especially for smaller companies operating in international supply chains, to draw attention to the tackling and active prevention of violence against women and girls.
Violence and harassment in the workplace affect one in three women worldwide. The Covid-19 crisis has unfortunately led to an increase in violence and intimidation, especially in the textiles sector.
Tackling and preventing
More and more small and medium-sized businesses want to fulfil their responsibilities when it comes to safety in the workplace. The guide by RVO and CNV International supports companies with practical tips on how to ensure that employees in the international chain (whether in a company itself, its subsidiaries or joint ventures, or at foreign production sites) feel safe in their workplaces.
It's availabe for download in English, French and Spanish
Violence and harassment @ work (Download)
A guide for small and medium enterprises to prevent violence and harassment in the workplace
Commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agence
Violence et harcèlement au travail (Download)
Un guide pour les petites et moyennes entreprises en vue de prévenir la violence et le harcèlement sur le lieu de travail.
Commandé par l’Agence néerlandaise des entreprises (RVO)
Violencia y acoso en el trabajo ( Download PDF )
Guía para pequeñas y medianas empresas sobre prevención de la violencia y el acoso en el lugar de trabajo
Encargado por la agencia empresarial de los Países Bajos

Companies and managers often don't realise how big an impact an unsafe environment can have on employees. However, businesses don't just have a responsibility to deal with violence and harassment when it happens. They must also make every effort to prevent it by providing a safe working environment.
Increase in violence due to Covid-19 crisis
The Covid-19 crisis has made women and girls more vulnerable to acts of violence and (sexual) harassment. Labour-intensive factories pose a high risk of violence and intimidation in the workplace, especially in the garment industry, which has been severely affected by the Covid-19 crisis.
Violence et harcèlement au travail (Download)
Un guide pour les petites et moyennes entreprises en vue de prévenir la violence et le harcèlement sur le lieu de travail.
Commandé par l’Agence néerlandaise des entreprises (RVO)
Violencia y acoso en el trabajo ( Download PDF )
Guía para pequeñas y medianas empresas sobre prevención de la violencia y el acoso en el lugar de trabajo
Encargado por la agencia empresarial de los Países Bajos
Publication date 25 11 2020