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Do Glencores' shareholders know?

The energy transition is having a major impact on Europe and worldwide. But the countries and the workers producing the minerals so necessary for our energy supply now and in the future, are being negatively affected. 

Learn quickly about what’s happening and how CNV Internationaal is committed to creating a just transition.

Complaint to NCP's in Peru and Switzerland. 

Trade Unions and social organisations call on Glencore to respect labour rights of direct and outsourced workers. A formal complaint is being submitted to the NCP's in Peru and Switzerland 26th of May.
>Learn why this complaint has been submitted 

Complaint to the EU 

For the first time ever, a year ago, in a quest to adress precarious working conditions in the mines visible, trade union organisations, together with CNV Internationaal, have filed a complaint with the EU's complaint mechanism (called Single Entry Point) . 

The Glencore Colombia case

Glencore and it’s subsidiairy business group Prodeco CI have operated in Colombia for more than 25 years, exploiting the Calenturitas and La Jagua mines. Suddenly in June 2020 they decide to return the mining titles, 10 years before the date set. Jointly trade unions and social organisations, Tierra Digna,  Resist Glencore, Solifonds, ASK, CNV Internationaal, Sintramienergetica, Sintracarbon,  and IndustriALL call on Glencore to fullfil its responsibility.

> Human rights violations and lack of due diligence during the closure of mining operations in Cesar and Magdalena

OHS Research 

Newly published monitoring research by CNV Internationaal and Profundo sheds light on the risks which are affecting the miners in the metals and coal mines .

Recommendations for shareholders

In the Netherlands, investors in the mining industry and metals end-user companies are increasingly committed to improving corporate social responsibility in regard to their investment policies and purchasing practices. 

> Recommandations on how to reduce risks   


Miners' unions partnering with CNV Internationaal

With the support of CNV Internationaal, mining unions in Colombia have established a coordination network: The Workers Collective for a Just Transition in Mining. This collective represents the workers in social dialogue and develops proposals for social plans. 

CNV Internationaal also cooperates with trade unions representing workers in polymetals mining in Bolivia and Peru. 

> Labour prospects of Energy Transition in Coal Mining

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