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Towards a Just Transition
including Decent Work for all

The energy transition is having a major impact on Europe and worldwide. But we often forget the workers producing the minerals so indispensable for our energy supply now and in the future, are being negatively affected. 

Learn what's happening on this long read page. 
For easy access use the index (in yellow ). 

Road map and recommendations

The transition to a sustainable economy with a low carbon footprint needs to be a fair and just transition for everyone. Such a “just” transition should implement all the new technologies for a greener economy, but at the same time, it must remember and protect the affected workers across the globe.

The roadmap also provides information for all stakeholders regarding their interactions in the supply chains. An integral approach is applied to recognize and include various aspects of the energy transition. This approach can be seen as a “green engine” for stimulating fair jobs in mining and managing natural resources in sustainable ways. 

Learn more in our roadmap for a just transition, a guide for implementing and monitoring due diligence principles in the mining sector.

Learn more: recommendations and roadmap 


Trade unions join forces


The Workers Collective for a Just Transition 

Trade union organisations in the mining region have realised they need to join together in order to play a stronger role in this transition. With the support of CNV Internationaal, they have established a coordination network: The Workers Collective for a Just Transition in Mining. This collective represents the workers in social dialogue and develops proposals for much needed social plans. 

CNV Internationaal also supports trade unions representing workers in metals mining in Bolivia and Peru. 

> Labour prospects of the energy transition in coal mining

Analysis of mineral supply chains

 A complete analysis of the conditions in the mining sector, which allows you to delve deeper into possible violations of the labour rights of miners.

OHS in mining research 

Newly published monitoring research by CNV Internationaal and Profundo sheds light on the risks which are affecting the miners in the metals and coal mines .

Outsourcing investigation

Violations of labour rights and outsourcing at mining sites

In 2020, CNV Internationaal conducted an indept investigation into the situation of outsourced workers  in Peru. The investigation indicates several alarming issues,

  • the absence of long-term contracts,
  • the non-payment of overtime, and
  • the precarious health and safety conditions workers are subjected to.

Study on violations of labour and union rights of outsourced workers 

Colombian Coal

Trade and financial relationships and the CSR approach of mining companies

In september 2022 Profundo together with CNV Internationaal, provided an overview of the Colombian coal mining sector with respects to:

  •  its main actors (including mining companies and their financiers),
  •  the impacts of their activities on human rights and labour rights, 
  • the trade relations with Europe, 
  • the role of Colombian coal for Europe

in the context of the current conjuncture (i.e., Europe’s energy price crisis resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Europe’s energy transition plans).

> Learn more in the note by Profundo


Labour Observatory

On 7 October 2021, the Workers Collective, supported by CNV Internationaal, launched a Labour Observatory for a Just Transition in Mining to analyse cases, share good practices, and to develop proposals. 

> Website labour Observatory for a Just Transition in Mining


Outcomes of the International Labour Conference 2023:

Outcome of the General Discussion Committee on a Just Transition
Proposed resolution and Conclusions submitted to the Conference for adoption>

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