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IRBC Natural Stone

IRBC TruStone Initiative

The natural stone sector in The Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium) consists of a few hundred companies which have a specialisation in the import and processing of natural stone or on natural stone based products. Examples include counter tops, tombstones, monuments, tiles, facades and kerbs. Natural stone is mostly extracted and processed in Asia, Africa and Latin-America. Often, this results in ecological damage and the violation of human- and labourrights. The Dutch and Flamish natural stone sector cooperated with the Dutch and Flamish governments, NGOs and trade union to create an agreement on the responsible production and purchase of natural stone. This joint initiative is named TruStone.

  • Start: The 1st of October 2019 
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Stakeholders: Companies and branchorganisations in the natural stone sector: The Dutch and Flasish government; trade union: NGOs. Take a look at the current list 
  • Secretary: The Social Economic Council (SER)
  • Main goals CNV: Participation in the steering committee; sharing knowledge and the local network to support due diligence; adressing the biggest risks on human and labourrights violations; contributing to constructive s and driving the working group 'Freedom of Association'
Check out the factsheet on the TruStone initiative More information on the Dutch IRBC Agreements


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