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CNV Trainers share their social dialogue expertise to help workers
The 48 year old union leader, Pham Dzung, lives and works in Hai Duong, Vietnam. He is an active member of the VGCL union and recently took part in a social dialogue training facilitated by CNV Internationaal.
VGCL hopes these trainings will build a new pool of social dialogue experts who can use their knowledge to negotiate factory and multi-level collective bargaining agreements (CBAs).
Henk van Beer's ways of teaching us the various technicalities were really interesting. His approach is inspiring. He showed us how social dialogue creates transparency and mutual respect. Tradue union leader Pham Dzung
Social dialogue and negotiation
Dzung says the trainings have taught him important skills for negotiating and participating in social dialogue. “Now I know how to use different dialogue methods, engage in negotiation, and sign collective labour agreements.
As part of the learning process, we role-played actual negotiating situations. We were also able to exchange information and discuss our own experiences with people who are directly involved in legal policy making for provincial labour confederations.
CNV trainer
Henk van Beers, a seasoned CBA negotiator for CNV in the Netherlands, was one of the trainers. Dzung was pleased with him as a trainer, saying, “Henk van Beer’s ways of teaching us the various technicalities was really interesting. His approach is inspiring. He showed us how social dialogue creates transparency and mutual respect."

Trade union leader Pham Dzung during a CNV Internationaal training on social dialogue
Multi-company CBA
Dzung will be building a regional task force for a multi-company CBA during the coming months. “I’m busy having conversations and organising trainings for the task force members. As I organise all these meetings, I’m applying lots of my new skills. It’s all about being able to provide answers for situations and problems relevant to the task force members. I can also give them advice about developing a plan of action.”
Dzung says, “The most important thing I want people to know is how constructive social dialogue is when it comes to building harmonious, stable, and progressive working relationships. Social dialogue strengthens and improves the position of workers in their companies. They must be able to express their thoughts and opinions regarding any plans their companies might have. The workers need to be equal partners with their employers. And this can only occur if they’re able to negotiate about their labour conditions."

Publication date 01 08 2023