It works - Indonesia - Kalimantan
“In East Kalimantan, the employers’ organisation APINDO and workers are getting along better than ever,”
says Bambang Setiono from KSBSI union.
Since Kalimantan has been made the new capital city of Indonesia, it has become increasingly important. (“IKN, New State Capital) Kalimantan also has many raw materials.
We’ve improved our knowledge and learned how to use facts for argumentation, to concentrate on what is mutually important, to trust one another, and to be honest.
September 7, 2020, an agreement in principle (Industrial Relations Agreement) was made between the trade unions, APINDO, and the Ministry of Employment. By using the methods we have learned, trust has grown and it’s become easier to arrive at solutions. Our members see that and their faith in us is also increased. Which in turn, makes it easier for us to help them organise and communicate with their members.
“With the support of CNV Internationaal, we continue to learn how to improve dialogue processes. Good dialogue is done by respecting each other’s opinions and without promoting your own ego.

“Maintaining good and harmonious labour relations in East Kalimantan is no simple matter. But this collective agreement proves it is possible,”
Slamet Brotosiswoyo, President of the employers’ organisation, DPP Apindo Kaltim.
Publication date 03 07 2022