Freedom of association & social dialogue
Freedom of association and social dialogue are essential to respect the rights of workers in the agri-food sector. Gaining insight into the human rights situation in supply chains starts with asking the right questions. Fairtrade and CNV Internationaal have developed a flyer for suppliers, with relevant questions for traders, buyers and retailers.
By asking the right questions, everyone in the supply chain can contribute to fair work and economic growth (SDG 8). Moreover, engaging with suppliers is an important part of responsible business conduct (RBC) and one of the steps in the implementation of due diligence. The flyer was made with support of the international RBC Agreement for the Food Products Sector, FNV and Global March.
Living wage
"If we want everyone in the agri-food supply chain to earn a living wage, we need to start a dialogue about this topic and continue to do so”, says Eva Smulders, coordinator of RBC at CNV Internationaal.
Freedom of association is an important aspect, because it allows workers to unite and discuss their interests with employers.
By asking questions about freedom of association in their production chain, international companies can actively contribute to this."

We all benefit
Karen Bouwsma, senior policy advisor Fairtrade Nederland, adds: “Showing interest in the local relations between employees and employers always yields interesting insights and can even open doors for a constructive dialogue. This is very important, because a good consultation structure contributes to sustainable economic and social development. We all benefit from that!”
Publication date 09 12 2022