Statement on the Adoption of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation in Indonesia on October 5th, 2020
This week, Indonesia adopted the Omnibus Law which poses a threat to hard-won labour rights. For months, this law has been strongly criticized by unions, NGOs, academics, and other civil society groups, especially with respect to the labor cluster in the law. As a result of adopting this law, the last days many strikes and demonstrations have been occupying the streets in Indonesia the last couple of days.
The goal of this new act is to attract investments to Indonesia and create jobs. The question however is, if the Omnibus Law will have this effect. As the content of the act undermines existing labour rights of workers, such as cutting wages, which are generally far below a living wage, of workers, and increasing their working hours. The law also undermines job security and social protections of workers.

Undermining labour law, human rights and even Pancasila
Moreover, the act not only undermines labour law but also human rights. It is contradicting with the Global Sustainable Development Goals which Indonesia has endorsed, and even with Pancasila, the Indonesian state principle, which highly upholds social justice for all Indonesian people.
CNV Internationaal calls on the House of Representatives and Government of Indonesia to revoke the act through any possible legal procedures. It is not too late to make correction on the decision to adopt the act and enter into dialogue with trade unions to discuss the Labour Cluster in the Omnibus Law.
on the decision to adopt the act and
enter into dialogue with trade unions to
discuss the Labour Cluster in the Omnibus Law.
CNV Internationaal expresses its sincere support to the workers and unions in Indonesia for defending their rights affected by the Omnibus Law, through peaceful and rightful actions. European garment brands and business associations also have expressed their concerns in a letter to President Widodo about the Labour Cluster in the Omnibus Law.
Joint Letter CNV Internationaal with other Dutch garment, fair trade, human rights and environmental organisations to Indonesian Government
Letter of of the brands regarding Fundamental Worker Rights and the Proposed Omnibus Law on Job CreationPublication date 07 10 2020