Since 2016 CNV Internatonaal is partner in the five-year ‘Strategic Partnership’ (SP) for Supply Chain Transformation, led by Fair Wear Foundation and together with Mondiaal FNV, as well as the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It is part of the ‘Dialogue and Dissent’ 2016-2020 framework of the Ministry and aims to improve corporate and government policies regarding human rights compliance in apparel supply chains in eight countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Pakistan.
The Partnership has now reached its half-way mark and requires a Mid Term Evaluation to take place that will assess the achievements thus far, and the contribution that the Partnership has made to reaching those achievements.
Enabling environment for social partners
The mid-term evaluation will aim to determine intermediate outcomes concerning to what extent the Strategic Partnership is contributing to achieving an enabling environment that allows social partners to cooperate, learn and improve.
Proposal and ToR
The Strategic Partnership would like to invite interested lead evaluators to submit a proposal in the form of an outline of the work plan (suggested approach and methodology) of approximately 2000 words, covering the entire Terms of Reference.
This proposal must be sent by email no later than 28 February 2018 to:
Fair Wear Foundation – Evaluation Task Manager
Ms. Liana Hoornweg
Two evaluation teams with the highest scoring proposals will be invited for an interview. Applicants
will receive a response in the week of 5 March 2018.For any further inquiries about the Terms of Reference or the assignment, please contact the MEL
support officer, Daniëlle de Winter, before 23rd of February.
Publication date 05 02 2018