A three-day training course on social dialogue in Central Java should contribute to structurally better representation of the interests of employees in the clothing and shoe industry. Ten companies participate in the training, which together have more than 50,000 employees who produce textile and sports shoes for major clothing brands.

Henk van Beers is involved in the training from CNV: "By talking to each other we can all achieve more. This training is aimed at local trade unionists. We train people whose task is to share their knowledge with colleagues. Dialogue is important for employees, because it ensures better working conditions and fewer work-related illnesses.The employer also benefits, by having good contact with the employees, productivity improves and there are fewer strikes, for example."
CNV International organizes the training together with SDI (Social Dialogue Core team of Apindo and KSBSI) and DECP . The training focuses on regional trade unions. Textile federation Garteks (part of trade union federation KSBSI) is involved, as are employers' organization Apindo and branch organization for the textile and shoe industry API.
Van Beers: “It is very good that we work together. The textile and shoe industry in Java has grown enormously in recent years. Especially with young companies it is often easier to initiate social dialogue. Through good mutual consultation we can, for example, make regional agreements on minimum wages. A dialogue must first be established, in order to then be able to make proper agreements about better working conditions and terms of employment.”
Publication date 09 09 2021