ContactPartner Area

Thank you for your interest in the training!

Here you can select the package you need and download it in your language.


Package 1 - Intensive HREDD training

1.1  Instructions

1.2  Training material

1.3  Optional handout material

1.4  Cambodian case example

1.5  Good practice example

1.6  Action plan template

Package 2 - National level workshop

2.1 Instructions

2.2 Training material

2.3 Optional handout material

2.4 Cambodian case example

Package 3 - Local level workshop


3.1 Instructions

3.2 Training material

3.3 Optional handout material

3.4 Cambodian case example

3.5 Action plan template



For any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact: 

Margot Offerijns

Programme Officer Asia

+31 6 83594093