Paving the way to SDG delivery:
Can social dialogue be the key to achieving SDG8?
The HUMAN partnership of ICCO Cooperation, PwC, CNV Internationaal, and VBDO is organizing a round table meeting next 7 June to advance the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in the Netherlands.
This is the first of two collegial roundtables in 2018 that aim to support in translating the aspirations of the UNGPs in solid business practice, particularly focusing on due diligence and reporting processes.
The focus of this roundtable will be on social dialogue: a robust tool to engage vulnerable, at-risk stakeholders and identify and mitigate labor and human rights challenges in your supply chain or in your investment portfolio. Practitioners at corporate, investor and NGO level agree that, when done well, social dialogue is the starting point for risk mitigation and a key step towards improving current labor practices. SDG 8, Decent Work, can only be realized when social dialogue and engagement are concrete, open, two-way and drive continuous improvement.
In this roundtable, leading companies and investors explain how they have used the tools of social dialogue across supply chains and portfolios, and participants will be invited to explore together on how remaining challenges can be solved.
We invited front running companies, financial institutions and experts on social dialogue in a business context to share their views and experience on Thursday 7 June 2018 from 12.45 to 17.30h in Amsterdam.
12:45 Opening by HUMAN coalition
13:30 Introduction to social dialogue in the supply chain (CNV Internationaal)
13:50 Good practices and challenges in advancing a social dialogue in the supply chain
1. “Brand Involvement in encouraging social dialogue in Haiti” - Heineken and CNV Internationaal
2. Successful engagement by an investor
14:45 Coffee
15:00 Panel on social dialogue as a tool for decent work:
Exploring challenges and sharing tips (Heineken, CNV Internationaal, moderated by PwC)
16:15 Recap and main takeaways
16:30 Drinks
The session will be held under the Chatham House Rule.
What is HUMAN?
HUMAN is a partnership between ICCO Cooperation, PwC, CNV Internationaal, and VBDO to advance the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights in the Netherlands. In the past four years, the HUMAN conferences successfully facilitated a dialogue between companies, investors, civil society organizations, research institutions, and governments on human rights & business. In 2016 and 2017 we continued this dialogue in the form of informative roundtables. In 2018, we aim to further increase our impact and support you in translating the aspirations of the UNGPs in solid business practice.
Registration and information
At this moment limited capacity is available for companies and investors to participate in this meeting. If you or one of your colleagues wish to participate please send an e-mail to
Publication date 25 09 2018