We stimulate freedom of association
On March 6, 2023 CNV Internationaal, NGOs, and FNV came together with sun and wind energy companies, branch organisations and the Dutch government, in order to sign the Convenant Renewable Energy o. It contains important agreements regarding International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC), by cooperatively addressing risks related to human rights violations and environmental damage.
Addressing risks
Elles van Ark, Managing Director of CNV Internationaal, explains in more detail: "It’s wonderful that the use of green energy has been growing so rapidly, but this has also impact on mine workers in Central America and Africa, who produce the resources needed for wind turbines and solar panels. These are also places where workers often have to work without permanent contracts, doing intense and unsafe labour for low salaries. And because trade unions are rarely present in these countries, it’s difficult to address these issues.
Within the convenant our focus will be on freedom of association, making sure the voicce of workers will be heard.

International guidelines and future legislation
The Convenant Renewable Energy is a 5-year agreement, signed by a broad coalition. By signing, these parties are expressing their commitment to implementing OECD and UN international guidelines in all their activities. They are also preparing their companies to meet future IRBC legislation. This collaboration is supported by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Climate, and Economic Affairs, as well as branch organisations, financial institutions, and special interest groups. Knowledge institutes, NGOs, trade unions, and the SER will be providing support from their specific areas of expertise as IRBC practices are implemented.
Local trade unions
CNV Internationaal works with local trade unions to improve labour conditions around the world. Van Ark says: "Thanks to our partner unions, we know what’s going on at the local companies in the various regions. We invite international companies to talk with us, engage in conversations, so we can show them where they’re at risk. Then they can ensure that everyone, throughout their entire chain, can work in a safe environment for a living wage. This is how we cooperate and make sure green energy is good for both the environment and for people."

On March 6, 2023 The Netherlands launched the RBC-agreement Renewable Energy with representatives of government, businesses, NGO's and trade unions, picture Dirk Hol
Promoting awareness
For the next 5 years the participating parties will focus on mapping the supply chains of individual companies and associated risks. In addition, practical experiences are shared and collective projects will start to implement improvements. All involved are committed to promote awareness of the importance of sustainable supply chains.
Latest news: check the website of the International RBC Agreement for the Renewable Energy Sector
Publication date 06 03 2023