Agreements aimed at improved compliance with labour rights, human rights, and environmental standards are presently being prepared in the main high-risk sectors in the Netherlands.
Dutch Minister Ploumen of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation wants the following high-risk sectors to sign covenants that specify how malpractices should be prevented and eliminated.
• Construction
• Agriculture and Horticulture
• Textiles and Clothing
• Foods
• Retail Trade
• Wholesale Trade
• Financial Sector
• Wood and Paper Industry
• Metal Industry
• Oil and Gas Industry
• Electronics
• Chemical Sector
• Energy
Prevention and Elimination of Malpractices in the Production Chains
These sectors are facing problems in their international production chain in the areas of fundamental labour rights, human rights, and compliance with environmental standards.
At least 10 agreements have to be made by 2016
From the start of the process, Dutch trade unions have advocated that fundamental ILO labour standards are solidly anchored in the covenants. In April 2014 the Social and Economic Council (SER) published the Recommendations on ICSR-Covenants. At least 10 agreements have to be made by 2016
Publication date 20 02 2015