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Call for evaluation team for external mid-term evaluation

CNV Internationaal and Mondiaal FNV are seeking qualified evaluators/evaluation teams to carry out the external mid-term evaluation for the first 5 years of our Trade Union Co-financing Programme (TUCP). The objective of the study is to provide lessons learned for CNV Internationaal, Mondiaal FNV and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as their donor, to strengthen the programmes’ strategic design and contribution to systemic change, and provide lessons learned in the new political context of sustainable supply chains and contribution to aid and trade for the rest of the programme. 

The purpose of the mid-term evaluation is also assess early and intermediate outcomes of the current TUCP, and to provide insights into factors contributing or hindering effectiveness. The programme is being implemented in Indonesia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, East and West Africa (e.g. Benin, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda) and Latin America. 

The study will explore 2 DAC/OECD evaluation criteria: relevance and effectiveness. The evaluation should preferably start on 15 October 2024. 

The deadline for submission of expressions of interests is 26 August 2024. Please find more information via the document below. 

Publication date 19 07 2024