Ensuring the inclusion of a Living Wage in the Bonsucro Standard is necessary if we want to maintain the credibility of the standard. But who will pay for this living wage?
The sugar market continues to grow, even during this pandemic. Yet workers still do not earn a living wage which covers their families’ basic needs. Consumers, investors, and governments are increasingly demanding that the concept of a living wage be included in the value chain of responsible companies.
To acknowledge World Day for Decent Work 7th October, CNV Internationaal organized a webinar to discuss the issue with various experts, politicians, and representatives from the financial sector. Members of Bonsucro, interested stakeholders in the sugar sector, and the general public were invited.
To watch the webinar :
Programme and Presentations
- Introduction on the process for Bonsucro's Production Standard revision and suggested indicators on living wage (presentation)
By Nahuel Tunon, Standards Manager of Bonsucro
- The initiative for a national bill on responsible trade and due diligence
By Joel Voordewind, Dutch Member of Parliament
- How the Dutch Platform for Living Wage and Financials is including Living Wage in their approach (presentation)
By Peter van der Werf, international assets company Robeco, team lead engagement
- A roadmap towards a living wage including all stakeholders
By IDH (Sustainable Trade Initiative ) Learn more at the Road map on living wages platform website
- Questions from the audience (through chat) and reactions from the panelists

To learn more:

Publication date 09 10 2020