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Publications 2022

Selection of recent studies, factsheets, guidelines and more

Africa / SDG8

The future EU-Africa Partnership Agenda: No sustainable growth without decent work

CNV Internationaal’s contribution to the Round Table in the Lower House of Dutch parliament on the economic, trade and development aspects of the EU-Africa partnership agenda.
See our position paper 

Just transition, minerals mining

Towards a sustainable and just transition of the economy

Towards a just energy transition: Labour rights risks in the Latin American mining sector

A sector analysis showing the mineral supply chain in Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia in terms of international responsible business policy and conduct of the producers, merchants, European buyers, and financers and how the market can be affected. 

See the analysis 

Study on violations of labour and union rights of outsourced workers at the Andaychagua Mine in Peru

Summary of research on violations of labour and union rights of outsourced workers at Andaychagua mine in Peru

See the summary

The Unequal Treatment of Sub-contracted Workers in the Mining Sector

Complaint filed against Colombia and Peru in relation to the Trade and Sustainable Development chapters of the EU-Latin America free trade agreement. Goal: Improve implementation of agreements

See the paper regarding the complaint and how to improve implementation of labour rights within of trade agreements  


Guidance Paper on Social Dialogue, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in the palm oil sector in Indonesia

Social dialogue guidance by Indonesian Employers Organisation APINDO, Dutch Employers’ Cooperation Programme DECP, CNV Internationaal, Indonesian union KSBSI

See the guidance 

The CBA Data Tool: Labour rights in your supply chain

The database of Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) in the palm oil sector in Indonesia. CNV Internationaal and online platform SPOTT have created a CBA database giving an overview of palm oil plantations with CBAs and company regulations

Lees meer>>


Labour Rights Observatory - First annual report for the Latin American sugar cane sector

Report on the results of the Fair Work Monitor in the sugar cane region of Latin America, conducted by CNV Internationaal and Profundo.

Explore the outcomes


Promoting freedom of association and social dialogue in the garment sector

 Lessons from AMPLIFY programme in the garment industry. AMPLIFY was an initiative of CNV Internationaal, Mondiaal FNV and Dutch clothing brands within the IRBC covenant for sustainable garments and textiles.

Lessons learned apparel industry  


Multi-Company Collective Bargaining project Vietnam

Call for clothing brands to stimulate their chains to participate in one of the multi-company CBA initiatives in Vietnam. Vietnamese union VGCL, CNV Internationaal, employer organisations, and governments work together to encourage social dialogue in the garment industry. 


Trade union freedom and social dialogue in the agri and food sector 

Questions to address Freedom of Association and social dialogue in the agrifood sector

A guide with a list of questions for merchants, buyers, managers, brand representatives, and supermarkets about freedom of association and social dialogue in the agrifood sector. Published by Fair Trade, CNV Internationaal, the IRBC Agrifood covenant, FNV, and Global March against Child Labour. 

A joint publication of CNV Internationaal, Fair Trade, the International RBC Agreement for the food sector, FNV en Global March against Child Labour

Short guide with list of questions



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