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Improving labour conditions for palm oil workers

Better working conditions for plantation workers

In Indonesia the Alliance works together with the trade union organization HUKATAN to improve the working conditions of labourers on palm-oil plantations and in the horticultural sector (tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers). The activities are devoted to raising companies’ awareness about working conditions and improving the government’s labour policy.

Join us on a trip to Indonesia to see how on Sumatra a process of continious, constructive social dialogue between companies, CNV Internationaal and Indonesian trade unions HUKATAN and KSBSI is leading to improvements of labour conditions of workers at palm oil plantations and mills PT Murini Sam Sam of Wilmar and PT Darmali Jaya Lestari.

Unfortunately these promising practices aren't representative for the whole palm oil sector. Serious labour rights violations are still widespread. There is still a lot to do on many plantations.